What is it?
Cadmium chloride is a metal compound primarily used in photography, electroplating, and dyeing.
How can I avoid it?
Avoidance requires reading the product labels, package inserts, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and on occasion, direct communication
with the manufacturer.
- Anticorrosive agents
- Automobile wax
- Batteries (dry)
- Dental amalgams
- Dyeing and calico printing
- Electronic components
- Electroplating
- Fungicide
- Galvanoplasty
- Insecticide
- Lubricant
- Manufacturing of special mirrors
- Motor oil
- Neuron brake in atomic piles
- Paint (yellow) pigment for plastics, ceramics, tattoos, and glass
- Pesticide
- Photo copying
- Plastics (stabilizer)
- Soldering and welding
- Vacuum tube industry
Other names for Cadmium Chloride:
- Caddy
- Vi-Cad
- Cadmium dichloride
- Kadmuim chlorid
- Cd