What is it?
Briefly: Amidoamine is a chemical found in many cosmetics and personal care products. SkinSafe should help you avoid most products that contain it.
In Detail: Amidoamine is a manufacturing by-product of the soap-like chemical, cocamidopropyl betaine.
How do I avoid it?
Since cocamidopropyl betaine is widely used, its chemical by-product, amidoamine, may be difficult to avoid. It is found in many personal care products. It is primarily found in shampoos and bath gels but is also used in some bar soaps, liquid detergents, surface cleaners, pet care products, and other skin and hair care products. Allergy to amidoamine typically presents as eyelid, facial, scalp, and/or neck dermatitis.
As they are chemicals that are so closely related, it is important to avoid both amidoamine and its derivative, cocamidopropyl betaine.
Skin contact with amidoamine is required for it to cause a rash. Discontinuation of exposure to products containing amidoamine should result in improvement and/or the resolution of your dermatitis. By law, all products made in the U.S. for topical use have the ingredients listed either on the product package or the box that contains them, so check the labeling of your skin care products for this ingredient. If there is not enough information, ask your pharmacist or retailer, or contact the company directly. At work, request a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to help identify potential sources of exposure.
• Acne
• Contact lens solutions
• Curing agent for epoxy
• Liquid laundry detergents
• Personal Care Products
° Body washes
° Bath formulations
° Cleansing lotions and gels
° Cosmetics
° Deodorants
° Eye make-up remover
° Gynecological antiseptic products
° Hair styling products, and conditioners
° Liquid soaps
° Shampoos and hair care products
• Pet shampoos
Other names for amidoamine:
• Cocoyl amidopropyl dimethyl glycine
• Coconut oil amidopropyl betaine
• Tegobetaine L7
• N-Cocamidopropyl-N
• N-dimethylglycine hydroxide inner salt
• Octadecanoylamidopropyldimethylamine
• Stearic acid, 2-dimethylaminopropylamide
• Dimethylaminopropyl stearamide
• Stearamidopropyl dimethylamine
• Tegamine S 13
• Lexamine S 13
Potential cross-reacting/co-reacting substances:
• Cocamidopropyl betaine
• Dimethylaminopropylamine